Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Welcome To Squabbler

Dear AFP Family,

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website at Squabbler.com, the place to settle those everyday disagreements we have with family, friends, co-workers, etc. The squabbles can be serious, fun, and of course, awkward. All you and your squabble partner have to do is upload a 30 second argument and then let the viewers decide who’s right. We figured who better to kick off the new site than the people who invented squabbling in the first place– the AFP Grandparents.

And to celebrate the launch, we are giving away 50 signed copies of the AFP Book to the first 25 squabbles submitted to the site, which means one book for each squabbler (just put the letters “AFP” at the beginning of your squabble title). So, we hope you’ll check it out, vote, and start squabbling!

Click here to see the AFP Grandparents in action.

Click here to read how it works.

Tags: squabbler

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