Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Photo of the Day | February 14 | Night at the Museum by Tor Ivan Boine

Photo of the Day - February 14

Night photography with natural light is something I like to do. With the full moon and the temperature was relative bareable at -15c I captured this building which is at the sami museum. Almost completely lit by the moon and the clouds started to fly in.
Technical Info: Nikon D90, 119sec at f/8, ISO200, focal length 27mm

Title of the photograph: Night at the Museum
Photographer: Tor Ivan Boine (Karasjok, Norway)
Tor Ivan Boine has always been fond of creating things. Mostly in welding metal in different shapes, making clay models in 3d on PC or draw the old fashion way. The last years he has focused more on photography because it feels more right for him. he sees himself as Jack of all trades, master of none. He likes to take pictures of everything from settling landscapes and contemporary fashion. He is a “self taught” in the aspect that he hasn’t attended any photo schools nor had any mentors. The internet and the everlasting contributers have taught him all he knows about photography. He hopes someday he can make a living of capturing the light.

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tiboine
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tiboine

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