Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Photo of the Day | February 11 | Wolf Rock by John Peltier

Photo of the Day - February 11

Hiking’s biggest reward is seeing views like this after a steep climb. Stone Mountain in North Carolina, USA, has some incredible contrasting terrain between the green pine trees and large, slick faces of white granite. Nature has provided opportunities for those trees to grow out of the cracks in the rock.
Technical Info: Canon 5D MkII, EF 17-40mm. 20mm, 1/15 @ f/22, ISO100.
Title of the photograph: Wolf Rock
Photographer: John Peltier (Clayton, North Carolina, USA)
John’s interest in photography started at the age of 17 during a photography class in his home town in Lake Tahoe, where there are unbelievable photographic opportunities. Photography has been more or less just a hobby for John for over ten years, until 2009 when he started to take it more seriously. He has gone from just taking pictures, to focusing more on composition and technical aspects. John’s favorite photographic subjects are landscapes, including hard-to-reach places with interesting and unknown stories, and has lately been trying to fuse history with his landscape photos. He has carried photographic equipment through jungles, deserts, and mountains just to be able to share these places with people who otherwise wouldn’t see them.
Flickr: http://www.jmpeltier.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/John.Peltier.Photography
Blog: http://jmpeltier.com/blog

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