Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Website of the Day: Nerd Boyfriend

Does your man have trouble picking out an acceptable outfit for everyday living? Does he have a secret urge to up the ante in the fashion department? Then give him a digital nudge by bookmarking Nerd Boyfriend in his web browser. Full of amazing looks on nerdy guys — from scientists, to rock stars, to Mad Men-like '50s geeks — there's a classy and sophisticated look for every man and every situation. The best part is, Nerd Boyfriend even shows you (er, I mean him) how to put the look together with links to pieces he can buy from various online stores. It's like ShopStyle, but totally dedicated to nerds. Classy nerds, that is. I mean, who wouldn't want to dress like Grandmaster Flash?

Do you have an interesting website you want to share? Join the Website of the Day group, and blog it for a chance to be featured on GeekSugar.

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